01-03-2024 07:56:21 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 01-03-2024 07:59:24 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 16-03-2024 03:54:50 - ERROR - m: 3.6 MB, u: 0 - Blocked by transient newsletter_main_engine set 0 seconds ago 30-03-2024 00:14:53 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 31-03-2024 22:19:53 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed