03-09-2023 05:18:31 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 03-09-2023 05:18:31 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 09-09-2023 14:55:43 - ERROR - m: 3.9 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 09-09-2023 15:27:24 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 09-09-2023 15:27:24 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 14-09-2023 01:53:35 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 14-09-2023 01:53:35 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 15-09-2023 17:28:41 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 15-09-2023 17:28:41 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 16-09-2023 00:08:44 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 16-09-2023 00:08:44 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 18-09-2023 21:22:53 - ERROR - m: 5.7 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 19-09-2023 10:02:43 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 19-09-2023 10:02:43 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 20-09-2023 02:49:34 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 20-09-2023 02:49:34 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 21-09-2023 04:55:05 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 21-09-2023 04:55:05 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed 26-09-2023 22:17:25 - INFO - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - New email address 26-09-2023 22:17:25 - ERROR - m: 3.4 MB, u: 0 - Table './topcloudmigration/wp_newsletter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed